The ESSD holds annual conferences to promote collaboration and co-operation among researchers working in the drugs field. Since 1990, more than thirty annual conferences have been organised in over twenty countries, alternating between North, South, East and West Europe.

1-3 October 2025
Prague (Czech Republic)

Present your research at the ESSD conference in Prague (1-3 Oct 2025) and submit a one-page abstract no later than 12 May 2025.

This call is not restricted to ESSD members. Please feel free to react or share.

Conference fee is only 100 EUR, with a 50% reduction rate for Bachelor-, Master- and PhD-students!
More practical information related to the preliminary program, the conference venue and accommodation will be will become available in due course...

Sign up for a free ESSD membership to receive e-mail updates of future conferences.

A key feature of the ESSD conferences is the active participation of attendants which allows presenters to share experiences with their colleagues across Europe. There are no keynote lectures, parallel sessions nor workshops. All presentations last for 15 minutes and there is plenty of room for discussion, exchange of ideas and informal gatherings. Such an atmosphere is also appropriate for participants new to the field, especially young and new researchers. The conference lasts for 2½ days during September or October.

Organisation of the annual conference is largely in the hands of a local team. The ESSD Board advises each year’s local organisers on the conference themes, selection of abstracts and the conference programme. Any ESSD member can volunteer to hold the conference by contacting an ESSD Board member and their request will be considered by the board. Local conference organisers are responsible for covering all costs of hosting and organising the conference.
ESSD has no funding for conferences and there is no membership fee. Participants of the ESSD conferences are required to pay a ‘conference output fee’. This fee covers all of the costs related to the output of the annual conference (see Publications), such as publisher fees, editing costs, costs related to the editorial board meeting(s), and distribution costs. The conference fee is NOT a conference registration fee: it does not cover any aspects of the conference, such as the conference dinner, refreshments or catering during the conference, the rental costs of the conference venue, conference packs, book of abstracts, etc. Local conference organisers are responsible for covering all costs of hosting and organising the conference. The fee is only intended to support and ensure the output of the annual conference. Participants will receive a free copy of the latest ESSD publication.
The standard conference fee is €100. ESSD Board members and students (bachelor, master and PhD students) pay a reduced rate of €50.

Below is a list of previous conferences with links to available books of abstracts. Downloads of presentation slides in the books of abstracts (from 2016 onwards) are available for ESSD members only (password required).

2024 Manchester(UK)

2023 Copenhagen(Denmark)

2022 Vienna(Austria)

2021 Online

2020 Online

2019 Riga(Latvia)

2018 Budapest(Hungary)

2017 Lisbon(Portugal)

2016 Frankfurt(Germany)

2015 Glasgow(Scotland)

2014 Nantes(France)

2013 Stockholm(Sweden)

2012 Athens(Greece)

2011 Aarhus(Denmark)

2010 Dubrovnik(Croatia)

2009 Belfast(Northern Ireland)

2008 Budapest(Hungary)

2007 Krakow(Poland)

2006 Lisbon(Portugal)

2005 Manchester(United Kingdom)

2004 Munich(Germany)

2003 Ghent(Belgium)

2002 Helsinki(Finland)

2001 Venice(Italy)

2000 Dublin(Ireland)

1999 Vienna(Austria)

1998 Palma de Mallorca(Spain)

1997 Oslo(Norway)

1996 Amsterdam(Netherlands)

1995 Coimbra(Portugal)

1994 Sønderborg(Denmark)

1993 Rome(Italy)

1992 Loughborough(United Kingdom)

1991 Lyon(France)

1990 Cologne(Germany)