may 2024

extended deadline

Share your research at the annual ESSD conference in Manchester (18-20 Sep). The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 21 May 2024.

april 2024

correct email address

We were informed that the email address mentioned in call for conference abstracts did not work. The error has been corrected. The email address for abstract submission is

Apologies for any inconvenience.

march 2024

call for conference abstracts

Researchers who wish to present their work at the 35th annual ESSD conference (Manchester, September 2024) are invited to submit abstracts no later than 10 May 2024.
For more information, see the documents below.

march 2024


Downloads of ESSD books and conference presentation slides are now available for free to ESSD members. Username and passwords for the protected folder have been circulated by email among the membership.

P.S. ESSD membership is also free

january 2024

save the date

The 35th annual ESSD conference will take place from 18 to 20 September 2024 in Manchester (UK).

Please note that, in a change from tradition, the conference will take place Wednesday-Friday instead of Thursday-Saturday.

More practical information will become available in due course.

december 2023

abstracts and presentations

The book of abstracts with selected presentation slides from the 2023 ESSD conference in Copenhagen is now available.

october 2023

call for outlines

Continuing a fruitful tradition, the ESSD will publish a peer-reviewed edited collection. The theme of the book is Stigma. Those who are interested in writing a chapter for the book are invited to submit an outline no later than 3 December 2023.

october 2023

new publication

The latest ESSD book Normalisation re-visited: Drugs in Europe in the 21st century explores the social situation of drug use in Europe through a collection of chapters which feature both recent empirical research and essays theorising the status and nature of normalised drug use in Europe.

More information...

october 2023

congratulations (2)

Congratulations also go to Jessica Williamson for winning the ESSD award for the best presentation by an early career researcher at the conference.

october 2023

congratulations (1)

Hurray to Nina Tvede Korshøj, Jonas Strandholdt Bach, Annette Bang Rasmussen & Thomas Friis Søgaard for hosting an excellent ESSD conference. Well done!

september 2023

X thread

James Morgan has been writing posts on X during the 34th Annual ESSD Conference in Copenhagen.

september 2023

preliminary programme

The preliminary programme for the upcoming ESSD conference in Copenhagen consists of 33 presentaions, organised into 12 sessions.

A detailed programme can be found on the organisers'website.

june 2023

extended deadline

The abstract submission deadline for the ESSD Conference in Copenhagen has been extended to the 16th of June 2023.

march 2023

call for abstracts

ESSD members and other researchers who wish to attend the 34th Annual Conference in Copenhagen are invited to submit abstracts of their conference papers no later than the 1 June 2023. For more information, see the documents below.

december 2022

save the date

The 34th annual ESSD conference will take place 28-30 September 2023 in Copenhagen (Denmark).

More practical information related to the conference will become available in the near future.

december 2022

book of abstracts

The book of abstracts with links to presentation slides of the ESSD Conference 2022 in Vienna is now available.

november 2022

call for chapter outlines

As in previous years, the ESSD wish to publish a peer-reviewd book and has issued a call for chapter outlines (deadline 4 Dec 2022).
The theme of the book will be Normalisation re-visited: Drugs in Europe in the 21st Century. This call is not restricted to ESSD members.

october 2022

new board

The ESSD membership elected a new Board:
  • Gary Potter (UK, president)
  • Zsuzsa Kaló (Hungary, vice-president)
  • Tom Decorte (Belgium, secretariat)
  • Kristiāna Bebre (Latvia)
  • Marta Pinto (Portugal)
  • Thomas Friis Søgaard (Denmark)
  • Bernd Werse (Germany)

october 2022

early career researcher award

The ESSD Board has awarded Kostas Skliamis for the best presentation by an early career researcher at the ESSD conference in Vienna.

october 2022


Check out this Twitter thread by James Morgan for an overview of presentations at the 33rd ESSD conference!

october 2022


Congratulations to Alfred Uhl, Ulrike Kobrna and Meropi Tzanetakis for organising an inpiring ESSD conference in Vienna. And a thank you to Elke for the tasty bites.

september 2022


For those interested in research in the area of cannabis normalisation, digital drug markets, street code, or other social drug themes, the upcoming ESSD conference programme includes 29 presentations, organised into 10 sessions.

august 2022

detailed information

The organising team of the upcoming ESSD confernce in Vienna has collected some detailed information for participants in the document below, including conference fee payment, preliminary programme, and recommendations for public transport and accommodation.

june 2022

extended deadline

Those interested in presenting their research at the upcoming ESSD conference (6-8 October 2022 in Vienna) can submit abstracts of their conference papers until July 1st 2022.

may 2022

call for abstracts

ESSD members and other researchers who wish to present their work at the 33rd Annual Conference are invited to submit abstracts of their conference papers no later than 23 June 2022. Details can be found in the documents below.

If you wish to attend the conference without giving a presentation, send an e-mail to

april 2022

save the date

The 33rd annual ESSD conference will take place in Vienna (Austria). We sincerely hope that the COVID-situation in autumn will allow a face-to-face meeting!
Thursday, October 6, 2022 at 9:00 am CET – Saturday, October 8, 2022 at 14:00 pm CET
The conference venue will be close to the center of Vienna. Furher details will follow...

november 2021

new publication

A new addition to the series of ESSD books entitled Who? Variation and distinction in the European drugs landscape explores the subjectivity behind the label ‘drug user’.

november 2021

book of abstracts

The book of abstracts with links to presentation slides from the 2021 online ESSD conference is now available.

october 2021


Special thanks to the Organising Committee for a successful 2021 online ESSD conference. Congratulations Meropi Tzanetakis, Alfred Uhl and Emir Handžo.

september 2021

conference programme

The programme for the upcoming ESSD conference covers 26 presentations and is available at the conference website.

Button redirects to

september 2021

new publication

A special issue on drugs and digital technologies of Kriminologisches Journal has now been published. With papers emerging from the 2020 ESSD Conference.

july 2021

extended deadline

Abstracts of conference papers for the 32nd annual ESSD conference (30 Sep - 1 Oct 2021) can be submitted until 20th August 2021.

For abstract submission please use the template below and e-mail to

july 2021


No conference fees apply for the upcoming online ESSD conference. Registration is required, but participation is free of charge.

Button redirects to

may 2021

call for papers

ESSD members and other researchers who wish to attend the 32nd annual conference (30 Sep - 1 Oct 2021) are invited to submit abstracts of their conference papers no later than 20th July 2021.

For abstract submission please use the template below and e-mail to

may 2021

conference date

Due to the COVID pandemic this year’s 32nd annual ESSD conference will take place online between 30 September and 1 October 2021. For this online conference, there is no conference fee.

january 2021

happy new year

A message from the ESSD Board...

january 2021

call for abstracts

Scholars are invited to submit an abstract for Drugs and digital technologies, a special English issue of Kriminologisches Journal (KrimJ).
Abstract submission deadline: January 31st, 2021.

october 2020

book of abstracts

The book of abstracts (with presentation slides) of the 31st Annual ESSD Conference Online is now available.

october 2020


Congratulations and thanks to our hosts at the University of Vienna for organising a successful online conference.

july 2020


Registration for the ESSD Conference Online on 24-25 September 2020 is now open. Participation in this conference is free of charge but requires prior registration for all attendees.

More information at

june 2020

final call

This is the final call for abstracts of conference papers for the 31st Annual ESSD Conference Online. Deadline for submission is extended to 10 July 2020.

may 2020

online conference

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the 31st Annual ESSD Conference will be held online. Researchers who wish to present at this online conference are invited to submit abstracts of their conference papers no later than 30 June 2020.

april 2020


The upcoming physical ESSD conference in Vienna is cancelled due to the Corona-crisis. The initial call for abstracts for this conference is withdrawn. The ESSD is currently looking into the possibility for a virtual conference on the same dates. Further information will follow...

february 2020

call for conference papers

Researchers who wish to attend the 31st Annual ESSD Conference in Vienna (24-26 September 2020) are invited to submit abstracts of their conference papers no later than 10 April 2020.

november 2019

extended deadline

The deadline for submission of outlines for the ESSD book has been extended to Sunday, December 15, 2019.

october 2019

abstracts and presentations

Abstracts and (most) presentations of the 2019 ESSD conference in Riga are now available.

october 2019

call for chapters

The ESSD wishes, as in previous years, to publish a peer-reviewed book. Working title: Who? Variation and distinction in the European drugs landscapehe. Conference attendants, ESSD members and others interested in contributing a chapter are invited to submit an outline (600-800 words) before 28 November 2019.

october 2019

save the date

The 31st ESSD conference will be held 24-26 September 2020 in Vienna (Austria).

september 2019

new publication

The latest ESSD publication, entitled Why? Explanations for drug use and drug dealing in social drug research is now available at Pabst Publishers.

september 2019

conference programme

View the final programme of the upcoming ESSD conference in Riga below

july 2019

presentations overview

The upcoming 30th annual ESSD conference in Riga will feature more than 30 presentations. Curious? Register now at

june 2019

registration deadline

Those wishing to attend the ESSD conference in Riga without doing a presentation, must register online via or through conference e-mail before 30 August 2019.

june 2019

practical information

Suggestions regarding travel and accommodation for the ESSD conference in Riga can be found in the document below or on the conference website (

may 2019

extended deadline

The deadline for sending abstracts for the 30th Annual Conference on 26-28 September 2019 in Riga has been extended to 10 May 2019.

april 2019

conference website

The organisers of the upcoming 30th ESSD conference in Riga have launched a website providing information on abstract submission, registration, conference venue, hotel suggestions, etcetera.

april 2019

call for abstracts

ESSD members and other researchers are invited to submit abstracts for presentations on the 30th Annual Conference on 26-28 September 2019 in Riga. Deadline for submission is 26 April 2019.

march 2019

save the date

We are delighted to invite you to the 30th annual ESSD conference which will take place from 26 to 28 September 2019 in Riga (Latvia).
More practical information related to the call for abstracts, the preliminary program, the conference venue and accommodation will become available in the near future.

january 2019

30th essd conference

The 2019 ESSD annual conference will be held in Riga (Latvia) in late September or early October. Exact dates will be announced shortly...

october 2018

new essd publication

In the latest peer-reviewed ESSD book, entitled Place, space and time in European drug use, markets and policy, contributors from across Europe focus on different aspects of the drug problem in different countries and different contexts.

order form

october 2018

conference presentations

Many presenters have agreed to share their slideshows from the ESSD conference in Budapest. Links to these presentations can be found in the book of abstracts.

october 2018

early career researcher

For her presentation on Sketch Mapping at the 2018 annual conference in Budapest, Luise Klaus has won the Early Career Researcher Award. Congratulations!

october 2018

programme and abstracts

An updated programme and the book of abstracts for the upcoming ESSD conference in Budapest have been added to the conference page and can be downloaded below.

september 2018

pre-conference meeting

Those attending the ESSD conference on 4-6 October 2018 in Budapest are kindly invited to join a traditional informal pre-conference meeting on Wednesday 3 October at KAZIMIR BISTRO between 7pm and 10pm.
Location: Kazinczy u. 34, 1075, Budapest

september 2018

conference programme

The upcoming ESSD conference in Budapest will feature 36 presentations organised in 11 thematic sessions.

may 2018

2nd call for papers

The 2018 conference organisers have issued a second call for papers. The deadline for sending abstracts will be 1st of June.

april 2018

call for papers

ESSD members and other researchers who wish to attend the 29th Annual Conference on 4-6 October 2018 in Budapest are invited to submit abstracts of their conference papers no later than 15th May, 2018.

april 2018

conference attendance

If you wish to attend the 29th Annual Conference on 4-6 October 2018 in Budapest without presenting a paper, please register as conference attendant by sending an e-mail to
Conference attendance is free of charge.

february 2018

new e-mail address

The ESSD secretariat has moved to the Institute for Social Drug Research at Ghent University, Belgium. As of now, the ESSD secretariat can be contacted at any time via

november 2017

extended deadline

The deadline for submission of outlines for the ESSD book (see below) has been extended to Friday, December 1st, 2017.

october 2017

call for outlines

Inspired by the 2017 annual conference in Lisbon, and supported by the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe, the ESSD will once again publish a peer-reviewed book:
Those who are interested in writing a chapter for the book are invited to submit an outline (600-800 words) no later than Friday, November 17, 2017.

september 2017

new essd board

A total of 61% of the membership voted for a new ESSD Board:
Dirk Korf (Netherlands) - president
Jane Fountain (UK) - vice-president
Tom Decorte (Belgium) - secretariat
Aileen O'Gorman (UK)
Gary Potter (UK)
Julie Tieberhien (Belgium)
Bernd Werse (Germany)

september 2017

early career researcher award

ESSD congratulates Levente Móró on winning the award for best presentation by an early career researcher at the 2017 ESSD conference in Lisbon.

september 2017

book of abstracts

View the book of abstracts for summaries of presentations at the upcoming ESSD conference in Lisbon.

september 2017

new essd publication

Five articles by ESSD members have been published in the August issue of Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy. This special issue was guest-edited by ESSD editorial board members.

DEPP special issue

july 2017

programme update

Two presentations have been added to the ESSD conference programme.

july 2017

conference programme

View the preliminary programme to see which 30 researchers will be presenting their work in Lisbon.

april 2017

call for papers - extended deadline

The deadline for abstracts for the ESSD conference in Lisbon (21-23 Sept 2017) has been extended to 20th April 2017.

march 2017

call for papers

ESSD members and other researchers who wish to attend the 28th Annual Conference in Lisbon are invited to submit abstracts of their conference papers no later than 31st March, 2017.

january 2017

new essd publication

Twelve ESSD members contributed to a new peer-reviewed book, published with support of the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe.
Evidence in European social drug research and drug policy

This book can now be purchased from the publishers' website.

january 2017

2017 conference

The 2017 ESSD conference will be hosted by the CIES-IUL University Institute of Lisbon (Portugal) and will take place on 21-23 September 2017.

january 2017

polydrug workshop

An international workshop titled Making Sense of Polydrug Use: Challenges and Responses will take place on Tuesday 22 August, 2017, at Paasitorni, Helsinki. The workshop is arranged in connection with the Contemporary Drug Problems conference that will be held on 23–25 August, also at Paasitorni, Helsinki.
For more information, see the workshop’s website.

october 2016

early career researcher award

ESSD congratulates Oskar Enghoff (Denmark) on winning the award for best presentation by an early career researcher at the 2016 ESSD conference in Frankfurt.